1.) Ready for a trip to Vegas in late May to do a "re do" for Taylor's 30th birthday, which was last year. We were unable to celebrate in our typical style then because Vivienne had just been born. Taylor and I are planning now, and I am both excited and sad at the same time, because the trip will mark the end of nursing Vivienne, after she turns 1 year old on May 15. We jetted off to Vegas right after Jude turned one year old on Jan. 5, 2010, ending our one year of nursing and celebrating my 30th birthday. I guess running off to Vegas to get a whole lot of partying out of my system right after I am done nursing my babies has become my thing. You can't really run off on any kind of wild vacation- or vacation at all really- when you devote the first year of your baby's life to breastfeeding- and that's totally OK with me. I've gone a year without really being able to be away from Vivienne for more than a couple of hours, and that's the only way I'd ever have it. I don't want to be away from her. A mother's babies are a part of her and, I personally physically feel the need to be near them and with them when I am away, so, that being said, I welcome the almost 2 straight years I've spent nursing my children. I wouldn't do it any other way. It goes by so fast- it's really just a blip of time that is so precious that it's worth the sacrifice of my quote unquote "freedom."
I am super excited for a Vegas trip though, I'm not going to lie. Taylor and I get to go out and be ageless and be the couple that we've always been, and were before we had our kids. I just freakin' love Vegas. I love the energy.
2.) Speaking of pregnancy-mother-baby-related things. I saw the cover of ELLE magazine with a naked pregnant Jessica Simpson on it. I've read some pretty hateful and shitty comments that people- on FACEBOOK and off- have had to say about it. The most rude and crass have been from other women who have never been pregnant, who are grossed out about it and think her body looks sick. I personally think it's tasteless for any woman, pregnant or not, to pose nude on or in any kind of publication- with the exception of what's sometimes done tastefully in the name of art (and no, Playboy and MAXIM and spreads with celebrities like Jennifer Aniston in all but a tie are not art).
My distaste has nothing to do with how they look, and everything to do with the pointlessness of doing it in the first place. Call me modest- I just don't see the point.
Having been pregnant now in the past, I also can't help but take it a little personally when I read other women saying mean things about another woman's pregnant body. Pregnancy gives you stretch marks and allows gravity to kill your boobs. Your body is never the same. But guess what, self-righteous women who say mean things about being grossed out by a pregnant woman's body? TIME is going to do similar damage to your body eventually, so you're not safe from damage either. None of us are- so females should really get off their high horses and be a little bit fucking nicer... because we're all doomed in the end.
HOWEVER- Jessica Simpson- did you really need to pose naked for a magazine? I mean, good for you for being confident enough to do it, and for feeling so amazing and happy for being pregnant that you want to share it with the world, but come on. Demi Moore did it years ago- first. You're not doing anything new, so what's the point? Do you really need the attention? Enjoy your billions of dollars from your fashion line and put your clothes back on.
3.) Put bluntly, I can't stand Rick Santorum. I think he's a hateful, awful disgrace of a man. I personally believe he is a lunatic and he frightens me. I may not be impressed with Obama and what he has done, but I also don't want to have a fanatical lunatic running the country either.
I can only hope that Mitt Romney kicks his ass and becomes the Republican nominee. I only say this about Romney because he's not Newt and unfortunately, Ron Paul isn't going to get it (he's the lesser of the evils I guess). Santorum's signs are all over my neighborhood and it makes me want to move. I think a lot of people around here don't like Mitt Romney because of his Mormanism or whatever, but since I strongly believe in a separation of Church and State, I could care less about any of their religious preferences- just stay out of my business and try to fix our economy. Make my grocery bill smaller. And let gay people get married- because straight people have done a fine job of screwing up the sanctity of it for years, so why not let them take a crack at it too?
I don't pretend to have the answers to fix anything going wrong- but I do know this: Most people I personally know are living quite nicely despite all of the "hell breaking loose" in our country these days- hating Obama and all. I've been seeing things that say, "We survived Bush, You will survive Obama," and I don't think it could be more true. Whoever is in office is always going to be perceived to be ruining the country by the team who didn't win the election. If a Republican gets in office next go around, Democrats will complain about them. Everyone always has something to complain about- but like I said, most people I know are doing just fine and living quite nicely. I know I am- and I'm fortunate and grateful for that. So I try not to complain too much. It's so easy to get carried away with politics, I've learned, so I can avoid a headache by avoiding engaging in it (too much). And avoiding people who engage too much in it too. So if you're posting a bunch of political stuff and anything hateful, I'm going to utilize the "hide" option on my Facebook newsfeed.
I recently discovered how quickly this can eliminate a sick feeling in my stomach when someone posts something disgustingly hateful about politics. HIDE or UNFRIEND. No one is entitled to take a verbal dump all over your day on a social network. Free speech? Great. Do it all you want. Not on my feed though, if I can control it.
I'm a registered independent, and I see faults on both sides, which keeps me from ever picking a "team," but the longer I live in Oklahoma, the more to socially to the left I find myself going. I'm embarrassed by my home state most of the time when it comes to politics.
It just doesn't represent me. Where conservatives stand on social issues make me want to puke. My husband and I are on opposite sides of the fence when it comes to politics- which makes for an awesome time of arguing during election times. I'm totally kidding. It sucks. I respect his opinion though, as I expect him to respect mine. I just have to put the lid on hateful talk. Have I mentioned I don't like hateful talk? I have my theories about why I believe so many people are so ADAMANT about their hate for Obama, but I'll just keep that to myself.
We all know what the elephant in the room is there- and I think it's ridiculous.
We all know what the elephant in the room is there- and I think it's ridiculous.
I can't wait until this election year is over. I don't give a shit who wins.
OK, what number was I on?
Oh yeah,
4.) Rush Limbaugh. Oh, Rush. You stupid bastard. And Sarah Palin, for endorsing and supporting his right for free speech to refer to women as "sluts," you are an embarrassment to your gender.
That's all I really have to say about that.
5.) I got to see Radiohead in Dallas this week with my friend Kristen. They were incredible. I'd almost forgotten what it was like to spend that much time- a whole 24 hours- with another adult woman. Without children. Without husband. Without cooking or picking up toys or refereeing little children... 24 hours without domesticity did me well. Girlfriend time is so therapeutic. Kristen and I talked for pretty much the entire 24 hours of our road trip/concert and it felt super good- but I missed my baby the whole time. I even thought about her at the concert. I thought the beer would help, but it really only enhanced the thoughts. It's funny how that happens. I'd also almost forgotten how much I love live music and have decided to make a conscious effort to start treating myself to it more often with Taylor.
6.) I have a sick baby girl. It's hard to tell how she's feeling, although I know she has a tummy bug because of the puking, because she doesn't really cry or fuss. Ever. She's so low key and easy that it can be deceiving. Unlike her brother, who has always been dramatic and vocal when it comes to not feeling well, Vivienne is very chill about it so I have to keep an eye on her. Jude also woke up with the grossies today, but out the other end. This is when cloth diapering is a pain in the ass. He is potty trained but sleeps in cloth pull-ups at night- which is fine because he doesn't crap his pants- but today he must have some version of the tummy bug that Viv has because crap he did.
I've developed a pretty tough stomach for the grossies since becoming a mom, but there are times like this morning when I just throw my hands up and say, "Oh hell no!" And that's when you throw a cloth underpant away, rather than attempting to wash and rinse and handle sick poop.
7.) Between the excitement for Vegas, the apprehension and anxiety about Viv turning one and no longer nursing, the political ranting and washing of baby puke off of things, I'll add that I'm happy to see that spring is here- I've enjoyed the rain, I want more, I'm looking forward to doing lots of stuff outside with the kids, getting a tan, cooking out, opening our pool, and seeing flowers all over the damn place.
Happy Friday!