Happy 6 Months to my Dream Boat Baby! I am simply addicted to this here baby. That's really all I can say about her at this moment.
My baby is 6 months old today and I'm just blown away at how time has flown by since I gave birth to her. I have a habit of looking at time in chunks to further solidify how in awe I am of it. Like, today she is officially 6 months old, and in 6 more months, she will be a year old. The 6 months that have passed since she was born have gone lightning fast, so I know that the next 6 will just kick dust up in my face as well. Then I get all freaked out for a minute, allow myself to be baffled/anxious/happy/mystified/bewildered/content and then move on with my life.
It's just too short to spend too much time freaking out about anything- even if the freak out is a combination of all kinds of good and exciting feelings. There is always plenty more to freak out about in momentary little spurts as the days pass, so why waste the energy on any one thing for too long?
Continuing on with the thankful theme of November, which I've kind of strayed from over my past few posts. Today I am thankful for my able body. I chose this to be thankful for this afternoon while giving Baby Mochi a bath in her baby tub in the big tub in the kid's bathroom- since she has graduated from being an all but immobile potato in the baby tub on the kitchen counter to sitting up quite nicely on her own in the big kid tub. I can't bathe her in the evenings right now because big brother has laid claim to the baby tub and will only take his baths in it, squeezing his oversized kid body into the little thing and folding his Bambi legs up cross-legged, sitting in it like a boat.
When he sees the baby in it, he gets super territorial, so I'll let this slide for awhile. Wrestling with him while he's wet during one of his own freak outs to get him out of the tub makes for a nice little work out, but I'd rather just avoid the hassle than try to make any kind of point.
There's no rationalizing with a toddler amidst a sibling rivalry.
Since having 2 babies the "old fashioned" way, my hips have opened up all crazy-like. That coupled with the benefits of the hot yoga I practice, I'm finding I can move in ways that surprise me all the time. All of the bending and twisting and stretching and picking up of things and little people requires a whole lot of strength and flexibility. It's a work out in itself just being a mom.
I realized this today while squatting in front of the tub and leaning into it to wash Baby Mochi up and play with her. Holy crap- if that isn't a position that would be killer if I didn't do yoga. I don't think I could do it.
Baby in tub washing position is a position that is pretty much exactly like this position in yoga, except leaning over a bathtub with a wet baby that is as slippery as a seal in your hands:
Believe it or not, this actually feels sooooooooo good. Oh, and I don't know this girl. Just in case you were wondering. I stole her off of the Internet because she is in much better shape than I am.
So today I am thankful for an able body that is able to do little things like this. A more able body makes for a more able mother, so I am thankful for anything in my life that can help me be a better mommy!