Thursday, July 7, 2011

Summer Love

Continuing on from a status update posted on Facebook the other day:

Tuesday, July 5th
"Embarrassing moment of the day: having the Sonic car hop have to bang on my window to get my attention because I am too busy being turned around recording Jude car seat dancing to the Justin Timberlake song blasting out of my speakers. D'oh!"

As Jude and I are hitting the road on our way to Play School this morning, I scrolled through my iPhone to search through my music and find the perfect song for our drive. Since I was drawing a blank, having spent the past 2 hours it takes to get everyone up and ready for the day, rushing around the house and running late despite all of my good efforts, I hit the shuffle button and let my magically wonderful electronic DJ do the choosing for me.

Smashing Pumpkins' "Cherub Rock" came on. Nice. That'll do.

Not 5 seconds later, the little voice in the backseat of my car whimpered, "No- not this one."

"No?" It was the first time that Jude expressed any like or dislike to any one particular song.

"Ok buddy, let's try a different one." I hit shuffle again, and this time DJ wonderful chose Cake's "Love You Madly." Excellent selection, DJ wonderful.

But then again: "No- not this one."

Interesting. I realized that perhaps my kid is developing musical taste, and this thrilled me. So I asked him,

"What would you like to listen to?"

I looked in my rearview mirror and watched his face. He smiled big and began to nod excitedly.

"Car song. CAR SONG."

Car song? What is Car song? Stumped for a moment, the only thing I could come up with was Justin Timberlake's "Summer Love" song, which I had played about 10 times the other day in the car, the same day that the Sonic car hop busted me for dorking out with my camera phone to capture Jude dancing.

So I scrolled through, found the song and turned up the volume. As soon as the intro came on, Jude's face lit up and he began movin' and groovin' in his seat, swaggin' his shoulders to the beat like Taylor has been teaching him to do.

"Is THIS the Car song?"

"Yeah! Ok!"

So we jam the whole way to Play School, with me cracking up and him making me play it 3 times straight, including one extra time in the parking lot before he would get out of the car without freaking out.

I have a feeling I am going to be hearing "Summer Love" a lot over the next few weeks, since whatever it is he takes a liking to, be it Hot Wheels or Little Einsteins, he becomes obsessed with and nothing else will do. I'll take that- I can think of a billion other things that I'd rather not listen to over and over again than Justin Timberlake.

"Summer Love" has now taken on a whole different association than it used to have, back when my girlfriends and I went to Vegas for my bachelorette party in 2007. Justin Timberlake- who was especially hot at the time with his new album- was the topic of a lot of conversation- with his music and name thrown in at least once every couple of hours or so. His is not this rock and roll girl's typical taste in music, but seriously: who can resist this guy? Hello SWOON!

*Nerd Alert secret: At the time, I secretly day dreamed that we'd run into ol' JT at one of the million dollar Vegas nightclubs we partied at and he'd not only ask me if I would consider blowing off my impending wedding to run away with him, but he'd also teach me how to dance, since my dancing skills are pretty much less than mediocre, even after drinking the bar when out on a Saturday night.

Anyways, now that I've spilled that slightly embarrassing tidbit about myself, here is what has now been deemed the "Car Song," if you'd like a mental picture of my little dude getting his toddler swagger on.

I suggest playing it for your own kid- and even just for yourself- today. Just a little splash of sunshine for everyone.

On a side note, the following video is what solidified my ongoing crush on Justin Timberlake. Gotta love a guy that can make you laugh!